Thursday, January 10, 2013

Things never go like I plan!

Well, so much for blogging every day.  And so much for quilting every day.  I guess my goals were a little too high.  What is that keeps me from quilting?  That's what I need to resolve.  I really do enjoy quilting.  I'm so happy and calm when I'm sewing, so why don't I do it more?!

It just seems like there are always things I should do, before I do what I want to do.  I thought that when I stopped working, I would have plenty of time to quilt.  Ha ha!  It's mostly my own fault, I know.  I've gotten myself involved in too many other activities...knitting, bunco, bridge, bingo, knitting club, the social committee in our community (planning parties), going placed with my girlfriends, etc., etc.  Just not enough time at home, still.  I keep telling myself that I need to set aside specific times to immerse myself in my quilting, but so far I haven't managed to do that.  And then I decided to start a business making and selling doll cothes, so now I get to feel guilty when I'm not working on that project, also. 

Anyway - I did finally make some progress on Trinity's quilt.  The borders are sewn on, and the backing and batting are prepared. 

Now I just need to pin the layers for quilting BUT I'm chicken.  I need to do free motion outline quilting on this project, and I need some serious practice before I tackle Trinity's pretty quilt.  So - I'm preparing some fabric that I got from the quilt quild I belong to (shout-out for Citrus Belt Quilters in Redlands, Californnia) to make a community service quilt.  The fabric is printed to look like quilt blocks, so it's perfect for practicing my quilting skills (or lack thereof!).

Ok, so there's my next goal.  Get that fabric washed, pressed, and pinned, and start quilting it!  Hopefully I'll be back to tomorrow to report some progress.  Yes I will!  (I hope...)

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